Merchant Services

Accelerate your card payment processing with K9POS, ensuring swift and seamless transactions.


Serve customers more efficiently

Enhance your business with lightning-fast transaction speeds.

Security You Can Trust

Unmatched data protection with tokenization, P2PE, and minimized PCI scope.

Industry Low Rates

Lowest rates guaranteed with automatic inclusion of Level II and Level III data for every transaction.

No contracts or hidden fees

No long-term commitment required. There are no hidden fees.

New Business Get Lowest Rates or Running Business Lower Your Current Rates

Our Pricing Structures

Money saved is money earned. With our specific pricing designed for specific industry save you alot of money in fees.

  • Interchange Plus, or IC+, is an alternative pricing model for merchant accounts, traditionally preferred by those with higher processing volume.
  • Interchange plus is the most desirable form of merchant account pricing both for its transparency and potential to allow for lower costs.
  • Only pay for the interchange level you use
  • The interchange is the cost from the issuing bank to the card network to you, and the plus, or markup, is the fee for processing the transaction.
  • As a merchant you know exactly what’s going to the processor
  • Flat rate credit card processing can be a good option for small and large businesses alike.
  • Flat rate pricing is the credit card processing price model that gives merchants a fixed percentage fee and fixed transaction fee for each transaction.
  • If a merchants is on flat rate pricing, the type of credit card used will not impact the cost.
  • It gives you more control over your bottom line and eliminates common extra costs including statement fees, annual fees and application fees.
  • Probably the biggest reason that merchant account pricing schemes can be so complicated for the business owner is that the mechanics going on behind the scenes are also extremely complex.
  • Merchants pay less for Qualified transactions
  • Can be charged more for non-Qualified transactions
  • Tiered pricing as a model works best for businesses that sell seats, licenses, widgets, etc.,
  • The transactions are qualified into three categories. Qualified Discount Rate, Mid-Qualified Discount Rate, Non-Qualified Discount Rate.

Our Merchants Accepts

Never say no to any payment type. With our account merchants can accept almost every credit card, even the international cards. Visa and Mastercard are by far the most accessible credit card networks, both domestically and abroad. Including:

  • Visa & Master Card
  • Ameriacan Express & Discover
  • Paypal Credit Card
  • Amazon Credit Card
  • Prtro Fuelman
  • WEX & Voyager
  • Digital payments – Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and more.

Terminals For Our Merchants

Get credit card machine which is the ultimate versatile solution. It offers security, speed, and user-friendliness, making it ideal for businesses seeking the flexibility to accept payments anywhere.

  • Mobile connectivity
  • Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Incorporated thermal printer
  • 5-inch high-definition touchscreen
  • 10-hour battery life
  • Enabled for integrated payments
  • Point-to-point encryption

Our Merchants

Want to accept payment in your store, office, event, or where every your work takes you. We have solution to that. We provide service to:

  • Retail Store – Clothing, Jewelry…
  • Office – Doctor, Lawyer…
  • Restaurant – Fine Dine In, Fast Food…
  • Government – DMV, Education..
  • Agents – Real Estate, Insurance…
  • Company sells online only
  • Company does events only

Secure & Transparent Transactions

The CardPointe Gateway protects sensitive payment information with point-to-point encryption (P2PE), patented tokenization and a PCl-compliant hosting environment.

  • Transactions processed on the CardPointe platform is protected by CardSecure
  • Reduces the PCI audit scope for businesses of all sizes.
  • Provides merchants with transparent and detailed information for all of their business transactions.
  • Merchants understand the full lifecycle of their payment processing and associated transaction costs, providing the most optimized rates possible.

How Does A Transaction Flows?


The issuing bank provides a credit card to the customer.

Card Holder

The customer makes a purchase with a credit/debit card.


The merchant submits all card transactions as a batch close.

Terminal/ Software

The payment gateway sends the secure transaction to the processor, Cardconnect (FirstData), through a POS system or terminal.

Processing Company

The processing company sends the transaction to the credit card network and receives the result as an approved or denied transaction.

Settlement Network

The customer's bank/issuer sends the money to the credit card network.

Cardholder’s Bank

The credit card network then transfers the money to the merchant bank.

Allow the acceptance of credit cards at your store or on work site

K9POS enables small businesses to accept credit card payments, whether they are operating online or at a physical location. You can accept payments using a point-of-sale (POS) system, a mobile device, or through an online platform.


Accept contactless payments with a simple tap using K9POS.


Securely process chip-based transactions by inserting the customer’s credit card with K9POS.


Conveniently accept payments by swiping traditional magnetic stripe cards with K9POS.


Enter credit card details securely on your POS system, mobile device, or online platform with K9POS for manual transactions

Transform your business with our powerful POS software today!

Unlock the Potential of Seamless Transactions and Streamlined Operations.

Types of Credit Card Payment Acceptance

Card Swipe, EMV Dip, NFC, ACH or eCheck, EBT and Key Entered Transactions



Our range of POS products is
specifically designed to handle even the most demanding environments.



Our team of experts is available to assist you in finding the ideal point-of-sale software to operate your business.



Allow K9POS and our
nationwide network of partners to manage all your point-of-sale system requirements.



Whether it is a small or large
project, our installation,
deployment, and training services are perfectly suitable.



Whether it is a small or large
project, our installation,
deployment, and training services are perfectly suitable.